
Cooperation with employers is in priority

- Almaty Region
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The "Best educational institutions of technical and vocational education" were chosen in Taldykorgan

The development of dual education is one of the main activities of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Therefore was developed a national roadmap of dual training, which includes 18 colleges of Almaty region. To promote excellence in technical and vocational education, to develop dual training on the basis of Taldykorgan humanitarian-technical College was held the annual contest "the best educational institution of technical and vocational education".

The competition among colleges brings together all those involved in training of middle managers. The event helps to improve, to develop and to stimulate educational institutions, to search for modern methods of management, development of quality assurance system of training. This year the competition was attended by 9 regional colleges. The competition was held in two stages. In the first round the participants presented their educational institution. The jury assessed the level of training demanded professions in SMEs, the implementation of the program of Informatization of space and monitoring of educational institutions, to improve the professional level of teachers and masters of industrial training. In the second stage the participants were told why their model of the educational process is the best. A professional jury will determine not only the development plan, but the planned work on the modernization of material and technical base and business relationships of the College with the enterprises, employers.

The participants of technical and vocational education institutions have demonstrated not only scientifically-methodical abilities, but their acting and musical talents. According to the chief of the division of human capital development of RCE, a member of the jury Almagul Ongarbaeva, college started close cooperation with employers.

"Interaction with the employers in today's time is priority in the educational process. At the competition we made sure that the colleges have established good cooperation with enterprises. The partnership is one of the most important tools to regulate the situation at the labour market, to balance demand and supply of workforce, high-quality selection of employees for the organization", -she said.

So, the best educational institution of technical and vocational education in Almaty region was recognized Esiksky humanitarian-economic College. The winner got a cash prize of 300 thousand tenge, which should be spent on strengthening the material-technical base of the institution, its experience will be generalized and recommended for implementation in the educational standards of colleges in the region. Second place at Sarkand College of Humanities, and third place went to Kaskelen humanitarian-technical College.

"In our region there are 73 educational institutions of technical and vocational education. Among them there are both private and public. We want that between them there was a healthy competition to the level of knowledge they provide, it meets the modern requirements, to prepare qualified specialists", - said the Deputy Head of the Department of education Gulsara Isagulova.

We will remind, the program of dual training with educational institutions are more than 90 social partners in the tripartite agreement on training more than 400 partners.

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