
MFA staff hinders the development of the investment climate in Almaty

- City of Almaty
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For six months an entrepreneur gets refusal for issuance of visas to foreign employees and partners

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty appealed Renko-Kat Ltd - subsidiary of a major international company engaged in the construction of elite residential complexes. The company complains of the Department of Consular Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she was denied registration of foreign citizens - employees, partners and potential investors.

"Within six months we can not get a visa for foreign employees and business partners, - said the lawyer of LLP Renko-Kat Vadim Bogan. - Since we have a company with foreign participation, there is a small percentage of employees from abroad. Moreover, the founder of our company lives in Italy. I am even afraid to assume what opinion he will have of Kazakhstani Consulate if he learns in connection with what the denied visas to foreign citizens. The consular service refers to the fact that we have alleged a violation of administrative law, which is displayed in a single registration database. At the time, indeed, we have committed a minor offense, but this ban is irrelevant. The fact that we invited foremen from Armenia for consultations in the construction industry. We registered them at the office address and re-registered them at the actual address of residence (rented apartments) later. And for this fact, the company has paid an administrative fine. But now we are told that we have broken the law "On migration" and have no more right to invite foreigners. Ostensibly, our company is a public danger. This is absurd".

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty confirms the violation of the rights of businessmen. The question was considered by the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, to which were invited employees of the Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and representatives of other authorized state bodies.

LLP "Renko-kat” operates in Kazakhstan since 1992, it is a law-abiding taxpayer of Almaty. Today, they build a luxury hotel that will attract a lot of investment in the city. At the same time they can’t get elementary visa support for their partners in a lawful manner and in legal terms. Those administrative barriers that artificially create employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of course, it directly affects the investment climate in the city", - said the head of department on elimination of administrative barriers of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Bekezhan Kuntaev.

 Representatives of the Consular Service of the MFA of RK were invited to a meeting on the protection of the rights of the Business Council, but nevertheless ignored it. The Council decided to transfer the case to the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Almaty prosecutor's office to verify the facts.

"Violation of the rights of entrepreneurs is evident. If there is no administrative case, but are accused of violation of administrative legislation, here we are talking about the assault on the business reputation of the entrepreneur "- gave an assessment of the heard case a lawyer Dmitry Bratus.

"If the competent authorities will prove the guilt of the Ministry, I think they should fear not only disciplinary action, but also a dismissal. I would say the dismissal - is the mildest form of punishment in this case. In a situation where the attraction of foreign capital and the creation of favorable conditions for business is set as a priority by the Head of State, this blatant violation of the rights of entrepreneurs must be prosecuted", - summed up Kuntaev.

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