
Compass in the business world - Map of Regional Development

- Karaganda Region
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Seven projects of Karaganda region are ready for presentation to Chinese investors

The map of Regional Development of the Karaganda region was launched by NCE in 2016, it is a tool for demonstration of projects ready for implementation, but requiring investment. The portal contains 15 most promising projects that need investment.

The head of the department of escort of projects of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Zhanargul Kulmagambetova reported that on 22nd of October 7 projects included in the map, will be presented to potential investors in China. One of the projects – is "Creation of a complex for production of special charred coal and generation of electrical and thermal energy" of JSC "Kazakhstan Invest Coal". At the moment, there is an investor who is interested and ready to invest, with whom was reached an agreement. All companies currently undergo international audit procedure, as soon as the audit will be over, we will know the exact amount of investments that are required for each project. Until the end, RCE plans to place on its website 30 investment projects.

One of the main requirements for projects - the required investments must be not less than 10 million tenge.

"Large, ongoing, as well as start-up projects are allowed for placement on the web-portal. Why 10 million tenge? The main reason is that loans and grants for this amount can be obtained through various state programs", - says Zh. Kulmagambetova.

The expert said that the information on the project is available in the public domain at

"Opening the tab of the Karaganda region, you can see the main characteristics of 15 projects - name, area of ​​activity, number of employees, general descriptions of technologies. However financial indicators are placed in the closed part – these are estimates of the feasibility study, the results of marketing research, planned sales markets. An investor can view and, in the case of interest to a particular company, ask the Chamber additional information that we provide with the consent of the designer. Note that this is done in order to protect against various risks, it is still the development of technology, patents and permits. There should be no leak of information".

This portal – is a specific tool for our entrepreneurs, who need serious investment, says Zh. Kulmagambetova. She noted that the Karaganda region on the map is represented by various industries: there are projects not only industrial, but also agricultural projects, as well as food and textile.

"For example, there is a project for the enrichment of oxygen drinking water. This water is now presented under the renowned French premium brand Perrier. If we run our own production, this mineral water will cost three times cheaper. There is also a project to launch a line of clothing for the broad range of consumers. This operating company needs modern equipment. I can say that the entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region rely on import substitution and the development of light industry is one of our priorities", - says the expert.

The Chamber is actively working to attract funding from outside. European investors are interested in servicing of the natural resource sector, and the Russians, Belarusians and Chinese, mainly interested in such sectors as - food industry, light industry, agriculture. But for all of them the requirements from the Kazakh side are the same: working staff - only from the local population, staff should be trained, it is also necessary to import advanced (not outdated) technologies.

Regional map of business development is defined as a basis for the adoption of industrial and investment decisions in the proposed by NCE RK “Atameken" "10 steps towards the development of entrepreneurship". Entrepreneurs today are experiencing the problem to bring business ideas to the level of investment projects in the form of a feasibility study in order to attract further investors. Investment projects of entrepreneurs usually do not meet the requirements of investors. The map of regional development intends to solve the problem in the near future.

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