
Business Ombudsman will help to solve systemic problems

- Zhambyl Region
9660 просмотров

At the regional office of the Service of Communications was held a press conference dedicated to the implementation of the Plan of the nation - 100 concrete steps to implement five institutional reforms, which was declared by the Head of State

The theme of the speech of the Vice Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs on Legal Affairs Kayrat Sydykov was step 54 "Strengthening of the Institute of the Business Ombudsman for protection of the interests of entrepreneurs".

In accordance with the Presidential Decree "On drastic measures to improve the business environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated by 27th of February 2014, the Government was requested to develop a draft law providing for strengthening of the role of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, including through the introduction of the institute of the Business Ombudsman.

On 1st of January 2016 entered into force the Chapter 28of the Entrepreneurial Code, which discloses in detail the legal status of the Business Ombudsman.

"Business Ombudsman – is a completely new institute in Kazakhstan. His high status and extensive powers allow much more efficiently to deal with systemic problems of Kazakhstani business, arbitrariness of officials and imperfection of the legislation", - said Kayrat Sydykov.

According to him, the main functions of the Business Ombudsman are representation, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs and consideration of their appeals. Each appeal received by the Commissioner is placed under control of the employees of the administrative office of the Business Ombudsman. No appeal is left without its legal study and response.

On 19th of February 2016 by the Decree of the Head of State, Bolat Palymbetov Abylkasymovich was appointed the Commissioner for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

"In June of this year, the Business Ombudsman visited Zhambyl region. During the visit the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov met with akim and the prosecutor of the region, took part in the joint meeting of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" and the Council for the protection of the rights of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region, - said Kayrat Sydykov. - After the reporting meeting of the Chamber of entrepreneurs with regional businessmen Bolat Palymbetov discussed the urgent business problems".

In addition, the Business Ombudsman held a personal reception of entrepreneurs for violations of their rights and systemic problems of business.

"During personal reception of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan 11 complaints of businessmen were registered - said Kayrat Sydykov. - During his visit after the analysis of complaints revealed a number of systemic problems related to business activities. For example, the problematic issue of subsidizing the development of livestock breeding, support of producers while participating in public procurement, as well as issues of administrative barriers to business development".

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