
Customs turmoil

- East-Kazakhstan Region
9835 просмотров

Entrepreneurs of Semey complain about the prohibition of customs clearance at the customs post "Semey"

As of now cargoes resulting from China will be sent to Ust-Kamenogorsk, and Pavlodar. In this connection, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs received a collective appeal from 11 entrepreneurs of Semey. They are unhappy with the ban of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan to carry out customs clearance at the customs post "Semey" for goods, arriving from China.

According to the risk profile, which indicates that the cargo resulting from China under the customs procedure "Transit" have to be send to the customs clearance centers of EKR (Ust-Kamenogorsk) and Pavlodar for customs clearance for procedure "release for domestic consumption"

The Chamber of entrepreneurs noted that the decision of SRC of MF RK "on the termination of the customs clearance of goods arriving from China at the customs post "Semey" became an administrative barrier for entrepreneurs.

"This procedure of customs clearance raises a number of negative consequences for the participants of foreign economic activity. The transportation costs increase, entrepreneurs must pay additionally to porters, drivers and customs representatives in the two cities. Due to the increased flow of vehicle, there can occur transportation delays. In general this decision on the termination of the customs clearance of goods, arriving from China at the customs post "Semey", has become the new administrative barriers for entrepreneurs. In addition, it violates the principles of activity of the customs bodies of Kazakhstan, because its main objective is implementation and improvement of customs declaration and customs control. In addition, they need to create conditions on simplification of customs operations, not their complication", - said the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of EKR Igor Shatsky.

In his view, the trade sector is the main type of business activity for the region, the above effects can affect the increase in the prices of all kinds of goods.

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