
Training for a farmer – is the key to success!

- North-Kazakhstan Region
9407 просмотров

More than 70 farmers of Aiyrtau district were trained within priority directions of agro-industrial complex

In Kazakhstan, many farmers do not have special education that becomes a problem for the development of the agricultural sector. After all, as you know, education – is the key to success! Rural producers of Aiyrtau district got an opportunity to expand their knowledge at a special seminar on agricultural competences. Within a few days experts told the subjects of agribusiness about the results of science, technology and innovation, as well as the need to accelerate the introduction of advanced technologies in production. Topics of lectures were chosen not by chance - "Dairy cattle" and "Nucleus" were one of the most relevant for the region. According to the participants, these activities allow to bring production to a new level. Moreover, this is an excellent platform for the exchange of experience.

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