
What or who interferes with the business at customs?

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FEA are asked to share their opinions about the work of checkpoints across the customs border of the EAEU

As it was reported by the Department of Customs Administration of NCE RK "Atameken", it is proposed to conduct a survey of participants of foreign economic activity to assess the functioning of the crossing points and the activities of regulatory authorities.

"At the site of the Eurasian Economic Commission together with representatives of regulatory authorities and business communities of the Member States of the Union is conducted work to develop a methodology for assessing the activity of controlling bodies at checkpoints across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union", - state the profile department of NCE RK "Atameken".

In this regard, a questionnaire for the participants of foreign trade was developed, which, according to developers, will help determine what type of transport entrepreneurs often use for the carriage of goods, which indicators they consider most important when assessing the effectiveness of executive authorities at checkpoints, does the number of control bodies affect the efficiency of the check-points, etc.

Entrepreneurs are also asked to indicate in the application form, an optimum number of controlling bodies at a checkpoint to work and to perform control functions, what kind of state control is necessary at the checkpoints to carry out assessment of the functioning of border crossing points (border control, veterinary control, phyto-sanitary control, sanitary quarantine control, transport control, customs control), what do you want to change in the organization of the work of officials of supervising bodies at checkpoints in order to reduce the time spent on carrying out control operations, etc.

Survey results will be taken into account in the further development of methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the checkpoints.

To participate in the survey, it is necessary to follow the link:

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