
Kydyrali Bolmanov: Business and education do not work in tandem

- City of Astana
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Entrepreneurs, engaged in production of goods and services for the development of children, need the state support

This statement was made at the regular meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana under the chairmanship of its director Gani Tasmaganbetov by one of its members  a well-known producer and singer Kydyrali Bolmanov. He noted that today, unfortunately, the entrepreneurs working in this sector, have neither any real support from the state nor assistance in the development of standards for the production, for example, educational toys for children nor in the promotion of children's products under the national brand, which are created by these businessmen.

"Entrepreneurial activity in this area does not fall under any subsidies. I was invited to Russia to get the title of Honored Worker of Science, as the neighbors thought my work and thesis are know-how. Prior to this, no one used the toy as a developing technique in the world. It was just a toy. The niche of children's products is empty now. “Bal bala” – is the only brand in this field in Kazakhstan. We need to educate and to develop children, but there is no relevant legal framework. Education and business do not work in tandem", - said Kydyrali Bolmanov.

He emphasized the obvious, in his view, unprofitable of the purchase of toys in neighboring countries on the money allocated by the state in view of the fact that they are not developing, and leave no doubt in quality issues. Bolmanov believes that we should actively support local entrepreneurs who want not just to make money, but are interested in the education and development of the younger generation.

Members of the Regional Council supported Kydyrali Bolmanov and agreed that we should carefully consider this issue and understand exactly what measures to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses in this sector should be eloborated.

"All the issues of concern raised by business, we register in a special register of problems. At the city level, we solve them together with local executive and other state bodies. If the problem has a republican character, then we include it in the Register at the central office of NCE, which is also working on it", - said Gani Tasmaganbetov.

The issues of consolidation of private entrepreneurs were also discussed at the meeting, namely, assistance in attracting investments to support and to develop their activities

The Regional Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana was created in October 2013 to consolidate the growth and development of the business sector of the economy. The supervisory body consists of 30 members, 5 of them are representatives of business associations and the heads of 25 companies in the region from different sectors of the economy. Chairman of the Metropolitan Regional Council is Dauren Zhaksybek, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Tsesnabank".

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