
One mistake - and immediately a lawsuit!

- Atyrau Region
9543 просмотров

Mechanical error in the quotation, was the cause of the proceedings between the entrepreneur and the law enforcement agency

LLP "UMEF" of Karaganda region, specializing in the manufacture of steel office furniture, in April this year has won the public procurement tender for production of metal cabinets for storage of cell phones for the Department of Internal Affairs of the Atyrau region. However, when submitting a quotation in the application was made mechanical error - instead of the sum for the 18 cabinet was specified the price per unit, i.e. the amount when filing documents was 18 times less than the expected amount of work. This makes it impossible to execute the contract, and therefore the association in due time informed the customer and proposed to terminate the contract, but the Department of the Interior had filed a claim to the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of Atyrau Region and suggested to include the business in the register of unfair suppliers.

"As there is no our representative in Atyrau, we addressed for assistance to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region, which, in turn, contacted the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Atyrau. As a result, our interests were protected, the lawyer of the legal department of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Zholaman Musagaliev took over our case. I would like to highlight his professionalism. For several months he was defending us in a difficult non-standard situation - the human factor error, not prescribed by law", - said the director of LLP “UMEF" Nadezhda Shterkel.

According to the results of long trial, the marathon entrepreneur won the case. The company's management wrote a thank you letter to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region, which wished the team good luck and success in the noble cause of protecting business.

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