
Movement "Reading Nation": read and develop!

- City of Shymkent
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Nurzhan Altaev launched the republican movement "Reading nation"

At the central district library of Tolebi district of South Kazakhstan region, he launched a campaign "innovation and technology – to rural libraries".

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" has initiated an educational project on purpose: being an advocate of popularization of learning and reading in general, as well as mass involvement of population in entrepreneurship, he believes that rural youth should evolve with the time and expand its borders.

Nurzhan Altaev has equipped the village library with modern furniture and office equipment, updated the fund with books in three languages, including audio books. By the way, among them there are such bestsellers, which are not yet sold in the city libraries and online. Nurzhan Altaev urged all businessmen of Kazakhstan to support his initiative and transform rural libraries in the modern center of reading and leisure-time activities.

"Before our eyes, there are many positive examples where individual nations and peoples taught children to reading culture, self-development and self-education from the earliest years, when literacy became the foundation of the success of the nation, - said N. Altaev at the launching ceremony of the republican movement. - However, for the full development of young people, not only the rural areas, it is necessary to replenish libraries each year, to fill bookshelves not only with classic literature of cult authors, but also to keep up with the times, introducing readers to the works of contemporary writers. That is why today there are works of different genres, from classics to specialized business literature. "

Today dictates other rules that can’t be ignored when it comes to young people - the future of the country, said Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

"According to the plan of the nation, one of the most important points of the modernization of the educational process in Kazakhstan is the transition to a trilingual education. Such libraries where books will be presented in the Kazakh, Russian and English, are relevant today, and, most importantly, an important project, which will be supported by all those who care about the future of the younger generation".

Starting from rural libraries in SKR, Nurzhan Altaev plans to renovate eventually the library fund in rural libraries in other regions of Kazakhstan.

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