
Someone’s example can inspire

- Zhambyl Region
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It is possible to start a business on the example of another successful business

Within the framework of the program "Road map of business-2020", the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs organized "Project-based learning" for those, wishing to create a business on the example of the current project.

In each district of the region among successful businessmen were selected mentors on the basis of enterprises or farms to teach aspiring entrepreneurs to all the intricacies of doing business. In total this year ten mentors trained 65 people. Currently, we completed a two-month training of 59 entrepreneurs.

"The aim of the course – is to provide professional knowledge - namely, step by step instructions on the discovery and development of a particular type of business in the regions, single-industry towns, regional centers, as well as work skills with successful entrepreneurs, industry experts on practical examples of already existing projects or business", - said the head of the department of non-financial support of business of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Diana Tukpetova.

Peasant farm "Eleuov M" exists in Zhambyl region since 1997. According to the head of agro-formation Marat Eleuov, it yields 150-180 liters of milk per day, out of 100 head of cattle only 28 cows give milk. The nearest plans of the farmer - the construction of a base for fattening of beef. In the meantime, he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with other entrepreneurs, acting in the framework of the project as a mentor.

"I have a working business, I have my own land plot - 1.5 hectares. It is necessary to develop, so I came to such an interesting training, where he learned a lot - says entrepreneur, who underwent training in Zhambyl region Erkinbek Syrgak. - I submitted the documents for a loan, I plan to purchase 10-15 horses".

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