
Acquisition of experience in Almaty

- City of Almaty
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Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs meets delegation from Kyrgyzstan

The experience the Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs to support business development interested Kyrgyz counterparts. That’s is why they have sent to the metropolis the whole delegation. Within five days the staff of the agency for vocational education, heads of institutions of secondary education, employers and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Kyrgyzstan will visit the leading colleges of Almaty. Most of all the guests are interested in training issues, retraining, professional development and certification of working professions, as well as experience in implementation of social partnership and dual education.

Head of department on work with the members of the Chamber of Commerce of Kyrgyzstan Ilyas Satybaldiev noted that a lot can be learnt from the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty.

"We can see how much work is carried out on the creation of a" bridge "between employers and potential employees. Young people attend professional orientation classes at schools. We actively implement the dual training system, when the student is in constant communication with the employer. 60% of practice can take place directly at the workplace, and this is a big step forward. The reform of vocational education is carried out in our country as well. We need to involve employers in the process of preparing future specialists, so that they voice their demands to the professionals involved in the development of professional standards", - said the guest.

The delegation was impressed with the scope of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty in terms of a wide range of companies. And this is despite the fact that services of small and medium-sized businesses are completely free of charge.

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