
Entrepreneurship as a way of life

- North-Kazakhstan Region
8436 просмотров

Business schools started to work in all educational institutions of technical and vocational education

12 more business schools opened this year in the region. There are 26 of them in the region. 430 young people underwent training, of which more than 80 students were trained within the program "Business Advisor". What is the role of these studies for the development of interest in entrepreneurship among young people, as well as how important it is to form knowledge about entrepreneurship in a market economy, they stated this at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which hosted the meeting of students, teachers and businessmen. The participants noted that the ability to choose the best methods, tools, forms of business life, the ability to create new products based on customer requests, to develop business models and to implement them, all these qualities should be taught at college. For this purpose "Business Schools" was launched in the region. And to spur the interest of young people, next year it is planned to hold a competition of business ideas among college students.

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