
8 companies will present Almaty region in the competition "Altyn Sapa"

- Almaty Region
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Companies participate in two categories

The expert commission of NCE began a preliminary assessment of materials of participants of competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and participants of the Republican competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan".

According to the certification expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhanna Maratova, 8 companies have applied to participate in the competition "Altyn Sapa".

"Enterprises of Almaty region participate in two nominations. In the nomination "The Best Enterprise for production purposes" presented LLP "Metakon", LLP "Kaynar AKB", "Zharkent starch factory". In the nomination "The best enterprise producing goods for the population" will compete LLP "Dolce", LLP "Almaty mattress factory", LLP "Texan Kazakhstan Invest", LLP "Factory of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition" Amiran" and LLP "Koger Ltd"", - said the expert.

Among them, three companies - Zharkent starch plant, Invest Texan Kazakhstan and Almaty mattress factory - participate in the prestigious competition for the first time.

For example, the starch factory has considerable experience in manufacturing and an extensive customer base, in addition, it constantly conducts market analysis of demand for starch. The complex is built with the use of the most modern technology, high-tech equipment and modern materials, and the entire complex is automated by 80%. This allows to obtain products with the exact carbohydrate composition and reduce production costs. In addition, the raw materials are grown on their own land, as well as purchased from farms all Panfilov district of Almaty region.

Last year's LLP "Bayserke Agro" company was the first among the major companies of Almaty region in the nomination "The best enterprise producing goods for the population" of the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa".

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