
Orders are required. Large and state

- Karaganda Region
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Six Karaganda garment factories are ready to supply quality equipment for medics

Exhibition of medical clothing was held in Karaganda, once again proved that we are doing better than many are accustomed to think. Dressing for surgeons, nurses, workers form the ambulance at the price from 3500 to 7000 are made of high quality cotton, fit perfectly and last a long time, say the manufacturers.

As we wrote earlier, the current practice of public procurement does not allow domestic producers in public procurement to take a full part - local sewing clothes can’t withstand the price competition. The difference in cost per unit may be only one thousand tenge, but customers opt for Chinese consumer goods, as a result suffers the medical staff because of low quality.

The company "Tandem XXI” sews robes not only medical, but also towels and bedding for medical institutions. The company provides the necessary textiles for most hospitals and clinics. Until in 2011 was issued a Decree of the Government of RoK, which approved the Rules for the acquisition of certain types of goods, works and services procured from public associations of persons with disabilities of Kazakhstan and organizations established by public associations of disabled, producing and (or) delivering goods, performing works, rendering services .

"The heads of state medical institutions are guided by this resolution. The exhibition was held on the day of the session of board of the regional health department. However, it was not possible to reach concrete agreements. Here we need different methods to create the conditions in law, that there was a mutual interest", - says Lyudmila Martyuhina, director of LLP "Tandem XXI”.

Leader of the garment factory LLP "Asia Tech" Natalia Morozova also says that it is a low price, not good quality, that decides the fate of the supplier on the tenders.

"We ourselves can’t obtain big orders at the moment. Merchants dump prices, which then place orders at Chinese factories", - she said.

By the way, the medical suit of Chinese production costs only 2 thousand tenge, while high-quality domestic one - 5000 tenge. Budget savings turns that doctors work in clothes that do not meet even the sanitary standards, and are forced to upgrade the uniform at own expense. Domestic manufacturers offer a guarantee on their products. In addition, follow the modern trends in the professional fashion - qualified designers work in the state of garment enterprises.

There are activities on promotion of local producers - within the Commissions for monitoring of procurement. The main direction of the commission's work - providing guaranteed sales of domestic production of goods in public procurement by giving priority to goods of domestic production.

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