
Will subsoil users be able change the annual work plans?

- Almaty Region
8076 просмотров

This issue was discussed at the City Council of Entrepreneurs

In monotown Tekeli is held a regular meeting of businessmen of the city council. In July this year, the director of RCE and the Regional Council presented the position of the Council of Entrepreneurs to the business community and the local executive bodies. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Board, General Director of LLP "Tekeli mining and processing plant" Bakhyt Shalbaev. The head of the Council told the participants of the situation in the business, outlined a number of challenges that need to update to the local executive and state bodies.

Thus, the member of the Council, the executive director of LLP “Art kz” with Evgeni Majerle raised the question of changing the order of the mining plan.

"Due to the sharp market conditions, the economic situation in the country, it is impossible to plan production volumes, tax deductions, etc. on production costs 25 years. It is therefore necessary to enable the subsoil users to change the annual physical production volumes, if necessary, in any quantity, if it doesn’t harm mining technology. According to the annual work plan on solid minerals, common minerals, and water must be carried out only with the competent authority of the territorial divisions of the authorized body for the study and utilization of mineral resources. Thus it is necessary to exclude the passage of examinations, since they were made in the preparation of the technical design of the mine. Recalculation shall be subject only to the work program for the planned period of the contract ", - he said. Employers added that this issue is going to be raised at the city level. However, if their voices will not be heard, it will be discussed at the regional and national levels.

The head of department of entrepreneurship was invited to the meeting. Zhandos Turysbekov responded to questions and provided clarifications. In particular, they discussed the sale of products through the organization of agricultural fairs.

In addition, the Secretary of the Board, Director of Turysbek Zhumadilov shared action plan and participation of the business community in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to him, next year, entrepreneurs are going to establish on the alley the state flag with length of 25 m and to plant new types of trees.

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