
The Canadian experience is quite useful

- Pavlodar Region
9267 просмотров

The component "older seniors" is implemented in the region

For the first time an important Canadian expert in the field of transport and logistics Pierre Gelgot arrived to the region. His task is to introduce new methods of management, logistics optimization, strategic planning and training of personnel at a specific company.

The foreign expert's arrival was made possible within the framework of the state program "Roadmap of business-2020”.

It is very simple to become its participant. An entrepreneur, who wants to improve professional and educational background of business, establishes business contacts, applies to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which cooperates with international organizations on recruiting of foreign experts.

A transport and logistics company “Jet logistic” was one of the first to use this opportunity. Recently, a tripartite agreement was signed between the expert, the Regional Chamber and the entrepreneur, which specifies all the conditions.

"We employ only the most experienced experts and practitioners, who have worked in large international companies. This is a unique opportunity for our business to find out how their industry is developing abroad, to discover the most effective ways of development of production, to bring business into compliance with international standards. Certainly, it is a powerful impetus for the release of the company to a qualitatively new level of development", - said the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Serik Baiseitov.

 I must say that the costs for business are minimal. Most of the costs are paid by the State.

"Now the domestic business does not have to "stew in its own juice". They can always get advice from more experienced foreign colleagues. Senior expert will also help with the establishment of business contacts. In turn, the Chamber, as an operator of the component, controls the fulfillment of all the conditions of the tripartite agreement", - said Baiseitov.

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