
Rural entrepreneurs, be active!

- Pavlodar Region
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The leadership of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs encouraged entrepreneurs to be more active

Visits to districts and single-industry towns in the region have shown that entrepreneurs are often silent about the existing problematic issues.

"We met with entrepreneurs of even the most remote rural districts. Overall, it was our task. But, going from district to district, each time we faced the fact that we had to "extort" the problems from businessmen. Probably because the system works that way, and entrepreneurs are accustomed to solve their issues like that. We are fighting with this approach", - explained the director of RCE Serik Baiseitov.

In many areas, the problems are systemic. These are issues of collateral, lending, problems with sales, software engineering and communication infrastructure, land. Grazing was also general "headache" for a number of areas.

For example, in the Irtysh district a businessman bought  cattle within the state program, but there is no place for them to graze. According to him, grazing is permitted only in a remote area from ​​the village, and on land where cattle garzes, common grazing is prohibited. For this reason, a farmer is thinking about moving out of the region. And many people like him.

The lack of generating capacity is also a problem. For years businesses can’t fully launch production. The reason – is the need of network upgrades.

"Many of the aforementioned problems are still not solved because of inactivity of state bodies. Entrepreneurs receive only formal replies. Therefore, we plan to announce all the problems at the enlarged meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, where the first face of the region "will be invited”, - said the chairman of the Regional Council of RCE Raykhangul Satabayeva.

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