
Tax disputes through the appeal committee

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Kazakhstani Taxpayers will be able to submit complaints on acts of tax audits from 1st of July 2017 at the Ministry of Finance

This norm is contained in the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on issues of taxation and customs administration". The draft law has already been introduced to the Mazhilis.

At the request of the correspondent the chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of RK Daulet Ergozhin commented on the essence of the draft law. "We looked at the work of our colleagues from Latvia and Georgia, they have such systems working, then we consulted with experts of NCE RK "Atameken", which also came with proposals to somehow modernize the appeal process. We said, let's then introduce a mechanism that the appeal process will be derived from the State Revenue Committee to the Ministry of Finance, let the Ministry of Finance attract interested bodies, including the "Atameken", and before adoption of a decision, we will discuss it", - said Daulet Yergozhin.

The chairman of the State Revenue Committee said that the process of consideration of the appeals of taxpayers will be attended by representatives of NCE "Atameken", such a "big platform will enable to make a decision, and to understand who is wrong – a taxpayer or state bodies”.

The draft law is considered by the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Mazhilis. The chair of the Committee Gulzhana Karagusova said that the conclusion on the draft law will be prepared by 16th of November this year Thereafter, the amendments will be considered at the plenary session of the lower house of Parliament.

Zhanar Serdalina

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