
Business seniors

- City of Almaty
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The project of the program "Older seniors" was lauched in Almaty with the support of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs

Georgi Kattsarov arrived to Kazakhstan from Canada to tell to local farmers how to produce organic food in an industrial scale. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty invited the expert on the environment issues to Almaty. Services of the foreign business coach and flights from Canada – are at the expense of the state. The state program "Business Road Map -2020" offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to learn from the best world experience.

The Chamber of entrepreneurs of Almaty implements the project the "older seniors". The staff of RCE have picked up a highly qualified specialist, he organized a meeting with the interested businessmen. And now that Georgi Kattsarov, flew to Almaty, we entered into a tripartite agreement on cooperation between the foreign experts, learning center "Ekoferma" and the Chamber of entrepreneurs. Georgi Kattsarov will help local companies to introduce new methods of management, the latest manufacturing technology, as well as hold training seminars for staff. Entrepreneurs, for which was organized the program "Older Seniors", cover only the costs related to the stay of the expert in Kazakhstan.

Georgi Kattsarov noted that Canadian producers of organic foods have accumulated vast experience in this field and are ready to share knowledge with Kazakh colleagues. And such events help to avoid mistakes, to establish business and personal communication.

The heads of the existing small and medium sized businesses, operating in the priority sectors of the economy take advantage of the project "Older seniors".

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