
In business as long as the country's independence

- Pavlodar Region
9459 просмотров

Same age as the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Natalya Marshinina is a young entrepreneur. She lives in Kachiry district

Since childhood, she wanted "to give beauty" to people. Over time, the dream turned into a desire to start her own business. And in 2011, Natalia was able to register as an individual entrepreneur, she acquired at her own expense the necessary equipment and became one of the first young businesswoman in the district.

"My business entity is called "21st century". For the past 5 years I provide hairdressing services to residents and visitors of my village. To realize her dream, she even received the appropriate specialty, completing a training course at the local lyceum. This year I was 25 years old, as well as our country. And this coincidence pleases me, as I know, that I grow and develop together with the whole republic", - shared her thoughts the young businesswoman.

I must say that rural barbers already have regular customers. By the way, they include pupils of Kachiry orphanage.

"Every year I have to improve my qualifications, I try to learn new types of haircuts. I have practically no days off, so I understand that for  my fellow villagers my services are very important. It happens that one day I trimmed up to 10 people. And it is not difficult, because I was doing it with love", - says Natalya.

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