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A project on corporate social responsibility was presented at NCE

At the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a meeting with representatives of associations, government bodies, the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan and Corporate Development Agency “CSR Central Asia” to discuss the issues of corporate social responsibility.

At the meeting was presented the project of NCE "Increasing the capacity of the enterprises (organizations) for responsible business conduct", which was developed in the implementation of the Plan to promote the principles of corporate social responsibility, approved by the decision of the Republican tripartite commission on social partnership and regulation of social and labor relations. The project is designed for three years. It is aimed at the formation of the foundation for the accounting principles of responsible business policy of enterprises and the development of practical CSR assessment tools. The main argument for the importance of the project is to contribute to the process of disclosure of non-financial information (e.g., social and environmental performance) in accordance with the OECD guidelines.

Today, corporate reporting, mainly preparing large companies of the "Samruk-Kazyna" with foreign participation. However, the majority of Kazakhstani large, medium and small businesses do not understand the goals and objectives of non-financial reporting. Many local companies, being socially responsible, in practice, do not know that they are such, therefore, within the frames of the project will be developed and tested a form of non-financial report based on international standards for CSR reporting.

The range of indicators of corporate social responsibility is quite wide, but planned to selectively identify the most simple, suitable for our business performance, and offer it to businesses for self assessment. In the future, business will introduce indicators on social responsibility, and thus will be able to compare different companies.

In addition, within the frames of the project, package of measures is planned to increase awareness and understanding of issues of CSR with all stakeholders. This would include components of the project: improvement of economic business incentive tools to enhance corporate social responsibility, improving the business of non-economic incentive instruments to increase its corporate social responsibility, as well as large-scale outreach.

The meeting noted the importance of the project and the need for support in its implementation by the social partners.

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