
Business Mentor

- Almaty Region
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The training component "Project-based learning" has finished in the region

Project-based learning – includes lectures and workshops with the participation of mentors - experienced entrepreneurs in the region. This year, the training was held in Koksu, Eskeldinsk and Karatal districts. Project participants - representatives of farms, individual and potential entrepreneurs. In total 60 people were trained in animal husbandry and crop production in Almaty region.

At the theoretical courses entrepreneurs are told how to write a business plan, marketing strategy and to build effective management correctly. Much of what is shown is new and interesting for participants.

For example, Viktor Romanenko became a mentor for entrepreneurs in Eskeldi District. He was engaged in business at the same time in different spheres. "Romanenko" employs more than 500 people at the farm. At the seminar, he told about the technology of cultivation of sugar beet. His method of growing beet without irrigation is considered to be a very unique and effective. At a practical lesson the businessman explained in detail and showed to participants how to grow a plant without water and water supply.

The participants of the seminar met Ertay Kunanbai right during the beet harvesting. The head of the peasant economy has shown a personal master class.

At the end of the school day entrepreneurs were given homework. Participants had to reinforce their acquired knowledge by compiling a business plan, analysis of the financial performance and other issues.

"Many wonder why does an entrepreneur need a mentor? But business is such an area that requires development of intelligent investment, capital investment, introduction of new methods. This question is particularly relevant and important for potential and budding entrepreneurs. Therefore, we on the example of successful business representatives tell the participants of the project, how to create and to maintain a business. Tips and recommendations are welcome", - noted business coaches.

At the end of one month "Project-based learning", all participants were awarded certificates of advanced training.

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