
The Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the prosecutor's office - double protection

- Karaganda Region
10378 просмотров

Almost 80% of cases examined by the Regional Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' rights are sent to the prosecution authorities

The experience of cooperation of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs with the regional prosecutor's office shows that it is more effective to protect entrepreneurs through interaction.

The biggest success of the collaborative work became the resolution of systematic problem related to land tax rates in the town of Shakhtinsk. In August 2016 the regional prosecutor's office submitted to the Department of State Revenue region made a representation on the application of 0.96 rate, which was satisfied. Land tax problem arose among entrepreneurs of the villages Dolinka, Novodolinsky, Shahan in 2013, they addressed to the Chamber in March 2015, and since then continuous work was carried out on resolution of this issue. The problem was voiced at every meeting with management of different state authorities, NCE. As a result, the situation was resolved in favor of entrepreneurs, who paid taxes for 3.5 years at a higher rate. In the villages of Shakhtinsk district operate 351 private business entities, 46 in Novodolinsky, 61in Dolinka  and 244 in Shakhan. Instead of 0.96 rate, entrepreneurs paid land tax at the rate of 8.2025, that is, 9 times more. In total since 2013 business subjects of the three settlements paid excess to the state treasury in the amount of 80 million tenge. According to the prosecutor's decision, the tax authority should return to entrepreneurs the excess, and they paid taxes nearly for 8 years ahead.

"The sum of the protected rights is about 210 million tenge. We have created a precedent that could be taken into account in other regions, where there is a problem with tax rates", - said the chairman of the Council Serik Toregeldin.

S. Toregeldin also noted the effective work of the mobile teams at the Prosecutor's Office over the entire region. In case of any questionable actions on the part of state bodies, an entrepreneur can call to the mobile group to the very place. For example, the mobile phone group of prosecutor's office of Ulytau district received a phone call from an entrepreneur Aldenov, complaining on the local executive body for violation of his rights when considering his appeal and his right to the privatization of the gas station facility, owned by LLP "Tasbulak". Facts were confirmed. After the prosecutor's reaction measures were taken and the right of a businessman were protected", - said S. Toregeldin.

Deputy Director of Legal Affairs of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Gennady Zhmuk noted the effective interaction with the prosecutor’s office on the case of trade house "Shygys".

"Let me remind you, the entrepreneurs' of “Shygys” faced with the illegal actions of state revenue body and transport inspection, expressed in unjustified inspections in the middle of the night. We have considered the issue at a Council meeting and sent the appeal to the Regional State Revenue Department. The matter was taken under the personal control of the deputy regional prosecutor Aspenbi Zharylgasov, after that illegal calls and inspections stopped. The problem was resolved almost immediately", - said G. Zhmuk.

In order to protect the business, the Council draws to discussion and resolution of the business problems the representatives of virtually all authorities. Member of the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights, deputy of regional maslikhat Ayman Tukbaeva suggested to involve MPs of RK.

"Gulnar Bizhanova, Mazhilis deputy Sergei Yershov, Deputy of Senate of RK, elected from the Karaganda region. They reported that they were ready to accept any proposals to change the legislation. We can on the ground carry out the necessary tests and send them directly so that they could raise issues at the national level ", - she said.

According to the business and the members of the Council, the situation is gradually changing in favor of entrepreneurship.


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