
Who terrifies Shymkent business?

- City of Shymkent
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Officials of Shymkent land inspection and Gask see business support in a different way, inserting sticks in the wheels of businessmen

To this conclusion came the members of the Council for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of SKR at its regular meeting.

Chase with passion they called actions of regulatory agencies in the field of urban planning and land use in relation to IE T. Aldamzharov. His story – is one of many, which face businessmen of SKR.

In early 2015 the businessman Talgat Aldamzharov submits to  in the city of Akimat of Shymkent an application to change the purpose of land use for construction of a shopping center. All the necessary documents were collected and submitted by an entrepreneur. Urban Land Commission gave its permission. A small thing is left - to wait for the decision of akimat. But the businessman was told that it will be after some formalities.

Meanwhile, T. Aldamzharov regularly goes to the city administration, where gets the answer: wait, documents are being prepared. Businesswoman taking a loan, begins construction of a shopping center. Control and supervisory authorities in the face of the land inspection and Gask repeatedly visit the object under construction, engage in numerous legal proceedings, and when the shopping center has been built, require the demolition of the object. And this is done directly, bypassing the administrative responsibility measures: the entrepreneur does not get any warnings, orders, fines. Today it is no secret that the court proceedings – is not only a waste of time for the entrepreneur, but also the financial costs. Nevertheless, all courts confirmed the legality of the actions of the entrepreneur.

Talgat Aldamzharov received state certificate for a land plot only at the beginning of this year, at a time when by law it must be issued within a month. That is the procedure of consideration of an application to change the purpose of land use by the commission dragged almost for one year.

 Heads of Gask and land inspection were invited to the meeting of the Council, on a reasonable question, why a few months in a row, seeing illegally constructed building in the center of the city, they never sounded the alarm, they responded with silence. We could not answer the question: why this object is subject to persecution with particular partiality and who is behind it? By what standards are guided regulatory authorities, inspecting one and the same object? Or is it some kind of order from the "top"?

The Council decided to forward the case to the competent authorities with the request to analyze the reasons for conducting such inspections.

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