
How to promote the business?

- City of Almaty
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The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty continues the project "Older seniors"

At a meeting with Nadif Kopf you get surprised that this is a woman with a soft voice and a good-natured smile for many years led the company, "Johnson & Johnson" in Toronto. One of the best marketers in Canada, experienced manager arrived in Almaty, to teach Kazakhstan entrepreneurs to promote their business.

Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs has helped two language centers to organize an expert meeting within the program "Older seniors".

The state pays for the services and the flight of the marketer. Entrepreneurs pay for living expenses in Almaty.

"I represent the state organization "CESO", which is engaged in business consulting worldwide. People, who have retired but are professionals in their field, have experience in managing large companies and have accumulated vast experience, are invited to conduct such training. When I was shown a list of projects I chose Kazakhstan. I advise entrepreneurs to analyze always the situation in own business. You should clearly understand at what stage of the process and what you seek. When the situation in the company is changing, marketing strategy should change as well",- shared Nadif Kopf.

Nadif Kopf came to Almaty at the invitation of the two educational centers, which have proved to be successful at the metropolitan market and now are planning to expand their business.

"We have for the first time taking part in such a project. Nadif just arrived, and we have learned many useful things from her experience. Expert advises us to look at the development of the business, not only in general, but also to set specific goals and to achieve them. Now we are developing goals for the near future", - noted the director of the educational center "V & A" Dilorom Dosbaeva.

Nadif Kopf agreed to participate at the Club of marketers, which takes place at the Chamber of entrepreneurs. Free training for business representatives will take place on 24th of November at 16.00.

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