
Nurzhan Altaev: "We tried to consider all proposals of agribusiness"

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More than 60 comments and suggestions were received from the industry associations, unions and employers during the discussion of the concept of a new state program of development of agrarian and industrial complex

As it was reported at the enlarged meeting of the committees of AIC, the food industry and the manufacturing industry of NCE RK by Deputy Chairman Nurzhan Altaev, "Atameken" discussed the draft concept of the state program of agricultural development in close cooperation with representatives of the business.

"In the social network facebook, we created a group "Atameken. Agro dialogue in Kazakhstan", where representatives of agribusiness can write their comments on the new program. Entrepreneurs also submit their proposals to the call-center of NCE "Atameken" (8-800-080-80-10), as well as by e-mail: The received comments and suggestions, which are more than sixty now from industry associations, unions, entrepreneurs, were submitted to the developers of the state program. These questions will be raised also at the meetings at various levels, both in the Ministry of Agriculture and the Government", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE voiced some of them. "For example, "Kazakh Cotton Association" proposes to include in the priority sectors the production and processing of raw cotton, while maintaining the existing combined order of subsidizing cotton: Tranche 1 - per hectare, 2 tranche - for the amount of the harvest. As well as target indicators for the cotton industry", - said N. Altaev.

Association of credit unions of Kazakhstan proposed to develop a system of funding through credit unions taking deposits of members of CU for redistribution of liquidity through central credit partnership. "Therefore, the presented Concept would like to see further development of credit unions in terms of attracting alternative sources of funding," - said the representative of NCE.

NCE also supported the proposal of the Union of potato and vegetable growers for the establishment of breeding centers.

 Farm "Serikhan" from Zhambyl region considers inefficient the subsidies for meat, milk and other products and offers to bet on the investment subsidies and subsidies to increase the breeding stock. "By purchasing equipment, the farmer strengthens its material and technical base. And by increasing the breeding stock, we increase the production of meat, milk, shubat, wool, etc. ", - said the deputy chairman of the Board of NCE.

Farm "Serikhan" offers also not to delay the adoption of the law "On private farms", in which it is necessary to set the standard on farm animals in private farms. "He as a business manager, sees, and it is no secret that in one settlements can be found many farms, which comprise of 300-500 sheep, 20-30 cows or horses. All of this cattle is found in the yard of the owner. This contradicts to all norms of sanitary and veterinary safety, resulting in degradation of pastures around the settlements", - said Altaev.

The proposal of LLP "KazRosAgro on construction of vegetable stores and procurement centers on the principles of PPP also found support at NCE.

As it was noted by Nurzhan Altaev agribusiness positively perceived investment subsidies. However, he believes that "it is necessary to go even further, attracting to the list of investment subsidies the development of new technologies in Kazakhstan." For example, LLP "SP" Pervomayskiy" offers through investment subsidies to develop the production of feed based on hydroponics.

Dairy companies are concerned about the subsidies for feed crops. Their proposal is to maintain the per hectare subsidies for the production of succulent fodder for livestock. These are corn silage, sunflower silage, as well as annual grasses (for example, Sudan grass). They will not be given for processing, but for dairy farming, where productivity depends on the presence in the diet of juicy fodder, it is very important, according to NCE.

Nurzhan Altaev drew attention to the fact that in the presented concept there are no measures for the development of the fishing industry.

"The current program "Agribusiness 2020" for the support and development of commercial fish farming, there are subsidies on pedigree broodstock of valuable fish species. Subjects of fisheries propose to expand the list of state support instruments for fisheries", - said N. Altaev.

According to the Statistics Committee, in 2015 the volume of marketable fish bred was 700 tons, while the volume of fish caught from natural waters amounted to more than 40 thousand tons of fish.

Nurzhan Altaev, voicing the problems of farmers, suggested the Ministry of Agriculture to consider the construction of water projects on PPP principles. At the request of farmers, he also asked the head of the Ministry to pay attention to the shortage of qualified personnel by offering to increase funding for the program "With diploma to a village!" in view of the demand for the program.



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