
Afghan businessmen want to feed fellow countrymen with Kazakhstani products

- City of Almaty
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During the Kazakh-Afghan Business Forum entrepreneurs agreed on the supply of food products

Recovering from years of war, Afghanistan is not yet able to feed its own people with products of domestic production. Afghanistan buys a lot of Kazakhstani goods. As of 2014, our country exported goods to Afghanistan to 333.5 million dollars. And now the guests arrived for the new contracts. Kazakh-Afghan business forum was organized by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. About 30 domestic companies presented their products and services.

"Kazakhstan is our most important economic partner. We very much like the conditions that have been created in our country for business development. We would like not only to buy from Kazakhstan food or building materials, but jointly create a similar production here. Afghan businessmen believe that your country – is a safe place for their investments. We are also interested in the construction market of Kazakhstan. We have interesting offers for millions of dollars", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kabul Abdul Hassib Rahimi.

In turn, Afghan producers want to export cotton, carpets, marble, dried fruits to Kazakhstan, especially those types of goods on which our country has abolished customs duty. Among them 12 items - red raisins, apples and pomegranates.

Abdul Hassib Rahimi noted that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" achieved great results in its work with the business and experience of NCE is very useful for their organization. He also stressed that the creation of the Kazakh-Afghan Chamber of Commerce would have a positive impact on the increase in trade between our countries.

The program of guests – includes visits to Almaty supermarkets and markets.

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