
Cooperation - condition for the access to the domestic and foreign markets

- West Kazakhstan Region
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At the Forum of Entrepreneurs, which was held in Uralsk were discussed in detail the prospects of development of cooperation of farms

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Nurzhan Altaev told the forum participants about the opportunities that open up for the Kazakh business. "We can actively enter the Chinese market, which has been closed for us for a long time. After talks at the level of Heads of State and the Government, in the framework of the SCO, opened a huge opportunity for our producers - said the deputy chairman of NCE. - There is a demand for meat, vegetable oil, corn, fish, flax, bakery products. For example, China imported 70 million tons of soybeans, mainly from North and South the America.

 To enter this huge market, NCE gathered all the requirements and standards of the Chinese side, now they are translated into the state and Russian languages, and will be put up on the website of NCE Our producers need to comply strictly with them. And our products are valued: it is considered environmentally friendly, organic, safe", - said Nurzhan Altaev. But, he said, "to actively export, we need cooperation, which will provide the necessary supply volumes".

The chairman of the Board of JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture" Zhandar Omarov focused on the need for co-operation of farms. "Livestock is a priority sector of agriculture in the Western Kazakhstan. Microcredits spread on new credit products of “KazAgro” as "Yntymak" (the development of agricultural cooperatives), "Igіlіk" (breeding of farm animals), "Birlik" (the creation of milk collection points) and "Bereke" (family feedlots). All of them are aimed at supporting co-operatives that are based on private farms. In order to promote co-operatives in rural areas it is planned to implement a pilot project, according to which will be selected 4 rural districts in WKR, covering at least 20 households in each. Funding is expected to 50 million tenge with the loan interest rate of 6%".

This information is particularly interesting for the chairmen of regional councils of entrepreneurs, who will have to bring it to the heads of farms in each district.

Another type of cooperation - clusters, the creation of which will also be supported by the state. This was told by the director of the department of industrial and investment policy of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurlan Sakuov. "Kazakhstan intends to follow the path of cluster development. Enterprises should cooperate in order to be competitive. In the near future the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan will announce a competition for the selection of the six clusters, for inclusion in the program of state support, - said Nurlan Sakuov. - Each region of the country will be able to submit to the selection committee projects of creation of clusters on the territory. The Commission will evaluate how closely the enterprises are linked, the locality of clusters".

"Farmers need to explain that cooperation under the new law does not require joining of land plots – told the participants of the forum Nurzhan Altaev. - The principles of cooperation of it is built on amalgamation of property. Co-operation is needed to solve specific problems, in particular, to solve the main problem of the farmers - to provide sales, output to the domestic and foreign markets".


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