
Employment of graduates – is not a problem of colleges

- Karaganda Region
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Colleges should not be responsible for the employment of its graduates, believe participants of the national roundtable

Problems and prospects of the dual training were discussed by representatives of business and the Government at the round table at the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs. head of the region department education Askhat Aimagambetov offered to remove the responsibility for employment of college graduates. He announced his position at the national round table on the issues of dual training.

Business representatives from different regions of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science, the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) gathered in Karaganda, to share ideas on the future development of dual education.

The conventional wisdom that a well-trained professional will be in immediate demand, and if young professionals can’t find a job, it means that they are poorly trained, the argument does not comply with market reality, said A. Aimagambetov. The employment problem is much deeper. One thing is clear: college graduates must be well trained personnel. But it is not teachers task to run to the graduates houses to find out the further "biography" of former students and, to confess, sometimes to resort to distortion of reporting. If each graduate will go through the employment center, then there will be a real picture of the labor market in the regions and the whole country, but also the ability to control it, stated the participants of the round table.

The new Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes the concept of "dual education", "agreement on the dual education", a new article (119) "The dual education". The law of RK "On education" introduces the appropriate changes and additions to the definition of the competencies of stakeholders and increase practice to 60% in educational programs, as well as, according to the competence of the Ministry, in January of this year, approved the Rules of the organization of dual education. Currently, the principles of the dual training are introduced in 409 colleges of the country with the participation of 2269 companies, covering 26,524 students in 80 specialties and 160 qualifications. In Karaganda region 31 college operate in this system, covering more than 1.5 thousand people. Today, dual training is a promising direction in the preparation of specialists for the real economy with participation of business, which is oriented on international quality standards of produced goods, training of personnel.

However, as recognized by both sides, there are many problems and issues that inhibit this process.

"Today's round table is very important, the participants will develop suggestions for improving the regulatory framework of the dual education", - said the head management of the partnership and international projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Rousa Shirgatova.

"Our business is skeptical of the system. Colleges have difficulties in finding partners. "Convergence" doesn’t occur due to the weak stimulation of the potential employer, the provided tax measures are not used, stated the representatives of the colleges. Our entrepreneurs are not ready to invest in the long term. They need skilled personnel, but they do not want to wait for 4-5 years", - says Karlygash Ospanov, the head of the department of human capital of RCE of Karaganda region.

The role of a bridge between theory and practice, educational institutions and production in the dual training is assigned to a mentor. But what kind of figure what powers it has, who and how finances it? So far more there are more questions than answers.

"In fact, it's a hard worker, who can transfer experience to young, - summarized the head of the regional department of education. - But to succeed in it, a mentor needs not only knowledge, but also knowledge psychology, pedagogy, etc. So, teachers need the training program".

As reported Askhat Aimagambetov the regional teachers can be considered as pioneers, such programs are developed at the educational-methodical center, and the training is conducted. There is also an opinion that the cost of mentoring should pay colleges.

The round table participants made a number of proposals on assignment of qualification, contracting with underage students, etc.

GIZ expert Rainer Goertz shared experience of organization of dual training in Germany. Every year about 30 billion euros is spent on the training. About 500 companies are involved in this program. The average monthly salary of a trainee is from 650 euros, college students start working from the second year. The effectiveness of the joint work of the state and employers is the fact that the percentage of employment – is more than 60.

However, our teachers are against blind copying of someone else's experience, even if it is very significant, because it is necessary to take into account the difference between socio-economic systems, mentality, culture, and others.

"Karaganda was always considered as a human resource source for the whole country, but recently there are less qualified specialists. We must not lose this important factor of investment attractiveness of the region, and this once again underlines the importance of the dual training ", - said the director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Madeniet Bozhbanov, summarizing the meeting.

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