
State support of the agricultural sector - in action

- North-Kazakhstan Region
7794 просмотров

Entrepreneur for the second time benefited from the state support and significantly expanded his business

In 2013, Azamat Zhanbulov under the program "Employment Roadmap-2020" received a loan for the development of horse breeding in the amount of 2 200 000 tenge. The man has bought for these funds 7 horses. In addition, within the frames of the private entrepreneurial initiatives he obtained help. In order to facilitate farming, the novice entrepreneur obtained support with drilling a well for water.

This time, consultants of BSC of Zhambyl region again explained in detail all the instruments of state support, which can benefit any entrepreneur in rural areas. In particular, the fact that micro-credit is provided on the basis of collateral and is granted only to an organization or expansion of own business. Azamat Zhanbulov decided to use the last condition. After gathering all the necessary documents, he again received a loan in the amount of 5 000 000 tenge for the development of horse breeding and bought 17 heads of cattle. The man does not want to stop on it. Family of Zhanbulov’s has already been trained under the program "Business Growth" and in the future plans to participate in the program "Roadmap of business-2020".

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