
"Green light" for a new plant

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Domestic plant for pipe production can enter the market thanks to the help of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken"

In July of this year, production and service company "Tenaris", which is part of a group of companies "Tenaris", has invested 40 million USD in the construction of pipe-threading plant LLP "Kazakhstan Pipe Treders" for production of specialized seamless steel oil and gas pipes with "Premium" class of gas-tight connections on the territory of free economic zone "Seaport Aktau". The design capacity is 45 thousand tons, and it provides for the creation of 90 new jobs.

The group of companies "Tenaris" annually produces 6.3 million tons of steel pipes worldwide. it has manufacturing facilities in 17 countries, service centers and distribution networks in 30 countries. The company supplies its products to North and South America, the Middle East and Africa as well as Europe and Southeast Asia.

Within the framework of cooperation in oil and gas project at the Karachaganak field and for further deliveries of finished pipe products to Kazakhstani companies-subsoil users, LLP "Kazakhstan Pipe Treders" intends to obtain CT-KZ certificate of origin. However, it faced with certain difficulties during certification procedure.

"To obtain CT-KZ certificate under the code FEACN 7304 "Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, made of black metals", we must fulfill several conditions, including the hydraulic pressure test of pipes. However, the company explained that the pipes in Kazakhstan are made of round billets, which are produced by one of the subsidiaries of the "Tenaris", having branch network all over the world. According to its mechanical and technological features, the production of seamless steel pipe billets of carbon and high alloy pipe is accompanied by the hydraulic pressure test on the original factory of "Tenaris". Thus, the requirement for hydraulic testing of pipes is already performed according to the technological process and the quality control requirements of the production of round billets. The introduction of hydraulic tests at Kazakhstani pipe-threading plant will lead to a duplication of testing process and to increase the cost of production", - said the expert of the department of the manufacturing industry NCE RK "Atameken" Elmira Urazova.

In this regard, the newly minted Kazakhstani enterprise appealed for help to NCE "Atameken", which initiated a series of meetings and talks on platforms at various levels with the Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan.

As a result of the meeting with the participation of First Deputy Minister for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan, the parties reached an understanding and agreement on the fact that the requirement for "hydraulic test of tubes" with the rules, determining the country of origin, will be considered as already conducted, if the hydraulic test of finished pipes was conducted at the original factory "Tenaris" in accordance with international standard API 5CT / ISO 11960.

"Permission is granted in exceptional order, taking into account the fact that the company was put into operation in the framework of a regional strategy for the localization of production. Now the plant was given a chance to obtain CT-KZ certificate, to enter the market and to launch supply of equipment for Kazakh enterprises", - said the expert of NCE RK" Atameken

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