
Top producers of Kazakhstan will be chosen in Astana

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On 18-19th of November in Astana will be held the Republican contest-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan" and the II Forum of domestic producers "Uly Dala Eli"

Both events will take place at "Korme" exhibition center, where 145 companies-winners of the regional competitions will be presented.

The annual contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" in conjunction with the Forum of domestic producers "Uly Dala Eli" will gather at one platform the country's major clients (state bodies, national holdings, national companies) and domestic producers, which in the framework of B2B meetings will be able to discuss many problematic issues in this area. The customers also get an opportunity to see firsthand what goods are produced in Kazakhstan.

The contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" is aimed at the revitalization of physical and legal bodies, it is aimed at improving the quality of domestic products; promotion of saturation of the market for high-quality and competitive products; creation of prerequisites and facilitating widespread adoption of modern management methods and quality assurance on the basis of domestic and international standards; attraction of the attention of industrial, commercial and public organizations to the need to address quality problems; popularization of the idea of ​​the quality of the population.

The contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" will be held in three nominations: "The best industrial goods"; "The best goods for the population"; "The Best food."

Winners of the competition will be awarded with diplomas and the emblem of the Republican contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan” of I, II and III degree in each category.

Winners of the competition receive the right for four years to use the competition logo for promotional purposes.

The organizer of the Republican contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" is the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the organizers of regional contest- exhibitions "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" – are the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs in 14 regions of the country and the cities of Astana and Almaty.

II Forum of domestic producers "Uly Dala Eli" is directed on support of domestic business, in which it is possible not only to ask questions and to receive answers from the first persons, but also to hold meetings in B2B format.

In the framework of the Forum are highlighted the latest novelties in the legislative sphere, aimed at awareness of business about the work of our government in the sphere of support of domestic business.

It is assumed that long-term contracts will be signed at the forum, and each domestic producers can sign a long-term contract. Long-term contracts - is a guarantee for successful business development. They give domestic producers a guarantee of successful development and stability in the future. Long-term contracts – allow for modernization of existing production facilities, the company's investment attractiveness, access to credit, the establishment of new, additional production lines, etc.

NCE organized an annual competition for the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli" among businesses to promote the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli" in the countries of near and far abroad.

The awarding of the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli" will be awarded annually to the best domestic producers and service providers in Kazakhstan, who promote the brand in Kazakhstan and on an international scale. Representatives of both large, medium and small businesses can participate in the competition for the nomination.

According to the results of the contest not more than three candidates will be awarded the owners of the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli".

The emblem "Uly Dala Eli" will bring together high-quality products and services under a single brand, becoming a "business card" of our country. On the one hand, it will be a strong incentive for producers, particularly in the light of additional features and preferences for the winners, on the other hand, it will increase brand image and recognition of Kazakhstan at the international arena.

The exhibition of domestic producers, carried out in the framework of the II Forum of domestic producers "Uly Dala Eli" is a tool of active marketing and promotion of products.

The purpose of it: promoting the saturation of the domestic market with high-quality and competitive products produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan; introduction of Kazakhstan residents and foreign guests with domestic products, manufactured and brought from all corners of our country.

At the exhibition everyone can not only check quality of goods, but also to establish partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation.


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