
The map of opportunities

- Almaty Region
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The regional map of entrepreneurship development was presented in mono town Tekeli

A comprehensive work to promote this project is on. The unique map was presented by an expert of projects escort of RCE Kaskarauov Adil, who spoke about the goals and objectives, opportunities and results of the regional map.

"If you need to open a business, through the online resource you can learn about the presence or absence of such projects in the region. After that, you think about whether to open a business in this field and region. Previously, such information was not available for entrepreneurs, so the question arises on the sale of products. Now, thanks to the map the business saves time and money. And this is just one of the features of the business navigator", - said the expert.

Two projects of Tekeli town will be in the map, including construction of the railway siding and the enterprise for storage and processing of apples. Now candidates are preparing for interviews with experts, developers Maps.

After the presentation, the entrepreneurs asked about the conditions of participation and support measures provided by the Chamber.

"Inclusion in the map is free of charge, but the selection is carried out very carefully. We make your project successful and attractive for investors and second-tier banks. You yourself define terms and funding requirements. In turn, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs provides full support for projects", - said the expert.

Head of the unit Zhandos Turysbekov proposed to add photos to share. So, he said, for a potential investor, or even a user the photographs will be an effective method to get familiar with the region. The expert of RCE also said that the business community of China shows particular interest. Therefore, the experts are preparing now the version of the website in the Chinese language.

The director of the city branch of the Chamber Turysbek Zhumadilov, commenting on the activities of the project, urged entrepreneurs to think about participating in the regional map.

"Tekeli is famous not only for the mining and processing complex. Today, the mono town has all possibilities for the development of agriculture, livestock and tourism. These projects are interesting and popular. The map was compiled less than a year ago, but there are good calls about it. In Almaty region one project in the Panfilov district has been funded and now they are working on attracting funds for expansion. As you can see, the first results are already there", - added the head of the branch.

At the meeting, the entrepreneurs have expressed interest, and after the end of the round table received advice on the inclusion in the regional map.

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