
Gaining valuable experience

- Pavlodar Region
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How to build a greenhouse by all the required standards - such a question asked the Director of a greenhouse under construction in Aksu Ansat Zhanatan

 Decision of the issue was to attract foreign experts in this area Karbanda Prema, who with the assistance of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs arrived in the region from Canada to provide support to enterprises and to transfer experience of growing tomatoes.

His arrival – within the frames of the implementation of the component "Senior Professional" of the state program "Road map of business-2020", which was successfully launched in the region.

The entrepreneur plans to build a greenhouse with a total area of ​​1.8 hectares for the cultivation of tomatoes, and the principle of the will correspond to European standards, for this purpose was ordered the Dutch equipment.

Expected support from a foreign expert - to assist in the construction of greenhouses by all required standards, so that later the companies could get the maximum yield of tomatoes.

Canadian expert, in the framework of recently concluded tripartite agreement of RCE intends to take into account all aspects of the construction of high-quality greenhouses, including temperature, humidity, the presence of sufficient sunlight, which is an important component of effective work of each greenhouse.

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