
For the development of youth entrepreneurship

- City of Almaty
8684 просмотров

Director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Yury Tleumuratov and rector of "Narkhoz University" Krzysztof Rybinski signed a memorandum of cooperation

The sides agreed to hold joint meetings of clubs of accountants, marketing and other activities, the opening of the information center for servicing entrepreneurs, rapid exchange of information of mutual interest in the field of business development, participation in the preparation and implementation of joint programs and projects in the field of scientific and technical information and business activities, development of the institute of social partnership, joint promotion of promising projects.

Students and teachers of the famous alma mater may also participate in the development of proposals for amendments and additions to the existing legislation in order to improve the activity of private entrepreneurs, in advisory bodies created for the development of entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship, protection of the rights and legitimate interests entrepreneurs.

The parties hope to involve youth in social partnership, to raise interest to engage in entrepreneurial activity, to  create jointly a favorable business climate in the region.

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