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Confectioners were trained to Finnish technologies and standards

Today, training has become a priority of the modern entrepreneur. Without the introduction of new technologies and methods, business is not competitive and will not make good profit. Therefore, the Chamber of entrepreneurs actively continues to work on training business representatives.

The Council of Business Women organized such a seminar for entrepreneurs of the food industry. The training was held at the Resource Center of Taldykorgan College of service and technology. The workshop was attended by about 40 businessmen from the cities of Taldykorgan and Tekeli, Eskeldinsk, Kerbulak districts. The chief technologist of the Finnish company “Leipurin” Nadezhda Ivanova conducted the training.

The company was founded more than a hundred years ago, and is involved in the development of the food industry. Today “Leipurin” is considered to be an innovative supplier that helps entrepreneurs to develop business through training and implementation of new technologies in production of bakery products. Now these skills are actively applied in Kazakhstan. At the seminar, entrepreneurs were taught how to cook not only tasty, but also useful. The technologist revealed the secrets of bakery and confectionery products.

"Today, we teach and show entrepreneurs raw materials for the manufacture of products. The raw materials are the grains with beneficial micronutrients. For example, we bake bread with whole grains of rye, wheat, oats, barley. They include potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and other elements. These ingredients make any pastries useful for the human body. Now there are many people, who don’t eat bread. But by using these raw materials, the bread will be useful for people with heart disease, for example", - she said.

At the seminar, participants were able to evaluate the taste of the products offered by the expert. It is also important to note that these types of bread are not social. Despite the price, bread, rolls, pies, cupcakes, baked by Finnish standards, are in high demand in the capital and the southern regions of Kazakhstan. By the way, raw materials are not produced in our country, so everything is bought from abroad. According to the lecturer, in the case of demand, Kazakhstan may establish its own production of such ingredients.

"As it is known, Kazakhstan exports grain, but it does not process it. If you put this matter and analyze the market demand, there is every opportunity for development. In Finland, for example, it started with a state program. The business got a task to make ordinary bread healthy. In addition, you need to take into account the special attitude of European people to the health of its citizens", - shared the expert.

Participants also noted that there are additives of a kind at the domestic market, and those that are available do not meet the highest international standards. Today, therefore, the local confectioners and bakeries work with what is available.

In turn, the Head of Human Resources Development Department, Secretary of the Council of Business Women Almagul Ongarbaeva noted that participation in the seminars demonstrates corporate social responsibility.

 "Entrepreneurs improve their skills by an important topic, like health-saving technologies. Thus, the business also cares about the welfare of citizens. The seminar participants were very happy, they have conceived new ideas that they intend to implement in the future", - added A.Ongarbaeva.

Upon completion of the seminar, all participants were awarded certificates of successful completion of the workshop. Now the Council of Business Women with the Resource Center of Taldykorgan College of service and technology plan to hold seminars for other sectors of business.


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