
The invention as a business

- Almaty Region
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Young scientists are urged to engage in entrepreneurship

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the the Department of Justice acts as a co-organizer of the contest of young inventors "Shapagat" for the second year. This year the competition was held in the framework of the republican campaign "25 igі іs". "Shapagat" is aimed at promoting and supporting inventive activity, identification and promotion of intellectual creativity and cognitive interests, to assist in the promotion of promising inventions.

This year the competition was attended by students of urban schools and high schools. The students presented the personal inventions from robots to paper creations. As participants say themselves it took from three months to one year to complete each thing. The works were evaluated by representatives of the Department of Justice, the Chamber of entrepreneurs, the club "young technician station". The winners were determined by a jury for innovatie efficiency and invention requirements.

For example, a student of "Bilim-innovation litseyі" assembled a drone, which will cost you much cheaper than foreign ones. The crane with remote control, according to the inventor, will help to quickly disassemble the wreckage and find people in emergencies. Unusual battery for the phone also surprised the audience. This charge in appearance is not different from the usual one, but the phone is charged by battery, not electricity. Not only judges, but also students, teachers and entrepreneurs asked question.

At the end of the competition, the best works were ones of three schoolchildren from schools #24, #1 schools and institution "Bilim-litseyі innovation". Young inventors were awarded with certificates and cash certificates. The general sponsors were the Central Asian University and JSC "TATEK". Business participation in the contest is not accidental. Supporting young scientists, entrepreneurs are involved in the development of domestic technologies. Business understands the importance of the implementation of innovations, as today they feel the urgent need of their introduction and spread.

Speaking at the contest, the head of the human capital development of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Almagul Ongarbaeva encouraged students to develop further entrepreneurial initiative.

"When I asked one of the participants about the future of self-invention, she said she would gift them to friends and family. The gift is a good thing. But this activity can be turned into business. The invention - it is your commercial product in the future, you can sell it, or open own business. It is not taught in school, but one needs to think of it now", - said A. Ongarbaeva.

Representatives of the Department of Justice also spoke of the importance of patenting the product. Head of the Intellectual Property Rights Department Almazbek Ainakulov told how to protect and to defend intellectual property.


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