
Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" has met with the heads of diplomatic missions in Kazakhstan

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The head of NCE briefed foreign ambassadors and members of diplomatic missions with the results of the work of the National Chamber in 2016 and work plan of the Chamber for 2017

In Astana was has held a traditional meeting of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Kazakhstan.

Timur Kulibayev, elaborated on the activities of NCE "Atameken" within the 10 priority steps designed at the request of the Head of State for the purpose of development of mass entrepreneurship. Chairman of the Presidium of "Atameken" stressed the importance of these strategic directions of NCE: the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business, improvement of business environment, the optimization of state control and supervision system, simplification of export-import operations.

Timur Kulibayev paid special attention to the regional map of development of business in Kazakhstan - a unique product of the National Chamber. The map is already serving as an information resource for Kazakhstani business and for investors, and significantly simplifies the search of financing, promotion of goods for export. 170 investment projects of Kazakhstan businessmen have already been selected in this map. In this regard, the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan (100 per cent subsidiary of NCE RK "Atameken") will attract foreign investment and technology to carry out these projects. Timur Kulibayev also thanked the heads and representatives of diplomatic missions in Kazakhstan for their contribution to the creation of joint ventures with foreign participation in the regions.

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" noted a specific area for the possibility of foreign investment: the current privatization of a number of objects. Timur Kulibayev said that the current privatization will go through two channels: sales at auctions and sale to investors through financial market instruments. Large blocks of shares will be released at the site of an international financial center of Astana, the rest of the state municipal property will be sold at auctions. T. Kulibayev emphasized that the open access is available for all, and investors with an interest in the privatization, including the foreign ones, can participate in this process.

"Overall, the business environment of Kazakhstan is one of the best among the neighboring countries, business opportunities for entrepreneurs are the most favorable in our country", - summed up Timur Kulibayev.

The Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce of RK Ayan Erenov reported on the results of the work. In particular, the Chamber of Commerce, acting as secretariat of the various business communities, organized 12 meetings with countries such as the Russian Federation, Austria, Netherlands, Germany, China, South Korea, Japan and others in 2016. Ayan Erenov also informed about the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce of RK in such important areas as the European Union, China, Russia, EAEU, Turkey.

It was followed by a lively exchange of views; answers were given to all the questions. The meeting participants noted a number of positive decisions for the entire business over the last year, initiated by NCE: the topical issue of pre-trial settlement of tax and customs disputes, a significant reduction of administrative barriers. In addition, the development of the new Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan taking into account the position of the business community, including the opinion of foreign investors and joint ventures, who are also invited to discuss the draft Code.

Heads of diplomatic missions were interested in the activities of NCE on reduction of administrative barriers, including inspections by the control and supervisory bodies, the improvement of the business climate, protection of interests of foreign investors. Special attention of foreign colleagues was drawn to the stability of the tax legislation and out of court settlement of tax disputes.

At the end of the meeting the head of the Presidium of NCE Timur Kulibayev noted the fruitful and friendly nature of the cooperation between "Atameken" and the diplomatic corps, and thanked the audience.


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