
About Veterinary Security of Kazakhstan

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Removal of the veterinary control on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border will lead to serious risks for all domestic livestock

Department of Economic Integration of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", representing the opinion of the business community of Kazakhstan, initiated a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture on the removal of veterinary control at the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, acting Roadmap for accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Eurasian Economic Union provides a range of activities, which the Kyrgyz side has to fulfill in order to meet the requirements of veterinary legislation and regulations of EAEU. "And only after that it is possible to discuss issues regarding the removal of veterinary and sanitary control. However, today there is a lot of statements on the part of the Kyrgyz Republic, which are widely reported in the press relating to the fact that the Kyrgyz side insists on the immediate withdrawal of veterinary and sanitary control", - said Deputy Minister Gulmira Isayeva.

She said that the Ministry carried out several visits to the Kyrgyz Republic, together with representatives of the veterinary services of the Member States of EAEU, the results of which identified a number of systemic weaknesses, which suggests that the Kyrgyz side for today has not fulfilled all the necessary arrangements. "As a result of these inspections, specialists of veterinary services of EAEU were given recommendations to address these deficiencies. Next week is expected another visit to the Kyrgyz Republic to get acquainted with the current situation", - said Isayeva.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Olzhas Asaubaev, in turn, voiced by a number of factors, proving how dangerous it can be for Kazakhstan to open up the border. Thus, according to him, in order to maintain the status of safe areas for FMD, Kazakhstan needs to refrain from trade in live animals and derived from animals susceptible to FMD - cattle, small cattle, pigs. In addition, Kazakhstan has submitted a dossier to the OIE for the acquisition of the status of FMD free for the remaining five regions. Removal of veterinary control at the border may adversely affect the decision of an international organization. It will also affect the country's export potential. "The Kyrgyz Republic has neither status nor the officially recognized FMD control program", - said the expert.

Deputy Director of the Department of agriculture and food industry NCE Erbol Eseneev said that NCE is very concerned about this issue. "We understand that this is a serious risk. Not only in terms of reputation, as a whole, for domestic livestock. These are serious risks. We will never agree to such conditions. We know firsthand about the problems in the veterinary sphere of the neighboring state, so it is clearly unacceptable for us. Otherwise, all our attempts under the new agro-industrial complex development program will be simply vain", - he said.

Director of the Department of Economic Integration Dolores Tyulebekova agreed with her colleague. "We certainly understand that the Union was created for free movement, but the head of state has always said that there has to be the economic pragmatism. We are of the opinion that it is premature to open up the border. Because providing Kyrgyz exports of animal products, we jeopardize our agriculture", - she stated.

During the discussions were presented the views of the representatives of the business community from different regions of Kazakhstan, who participated in the meeting via video link. There was a unanimous position that at this stage the veterinary control on the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border should not be removed.

"We are unanimous in the opinion, we are ready to participate in the negotiation process and to uphold the position of the business community", - concluded Eseneev.

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