
One more entrepreneur

- North-Kazakhstan Region
7277 просмотров

With the support of the branch of the Chamber of Shal akin district the resident of the village Krivoshchekovo Erbolat Aniev received about 2 million tenge under the program "Employment Roadmap-2020"

This is new experience for Erbolat Aniev. Earlier, the man has never thought about starting his own business, he simply decided to get a consultation at the branch office of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, and this decision was crucial. Specialists of the branch of RCE helped him to draw up a business plan, to put in order the collateral documents. As a result, the new entrepreneur received a loan in the amount of 1.7 million tenge by JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture". The entrepreneur plans to develop animal husbandry, breeding of cattle. According to Erbolat Aniev, today the state programs for support of small and medium-sized businesses can assist any direction of production activity. The main thing is that the project has been correctly calculated taking into account all possibilities. The entrepreneur is very optimistic: "The meat and other products of cattle are always in demand and, consequently, sales are always good. I am grateful to the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs for the support of my project and result. I am sure that our cooperation will be fruitful. Later, of course, he plans to expand the business", - shared Erbolat Aniev.


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