
From entrepreneurs – to entrepreneurs

- City of Shymkent
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Businessmen presented to their colleagues the first business library in South Kazakhstan 

More than 50 rare books of business literature presented the graduates of Shymkent representation of Almaty Management University (AlmaU) to all entrepreneurs of SKR. This unique gift is timed with the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12 managers and owners of small and medium-sized businesses, which are the first graduates of AlmaU in Shymkent, having studied for 2 years at MBA program, know firsthand the importance of self-development and personal enrichment for successful business in Kazakhstan and beyond.

With this library, existing and potential entrepreneurs will have access to the area of ​​business literature, recommended by trainers and practitioners of the MBA program that will help them to fulfill their operational and strategic objectives. Graduates of AlmaU made a great tradition, the library fund will be constantly updated by books of the leading authors in the field of marketing, management, lateral thinking.

The library is located in the building of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region in Shymkent in the representative office of Almaty Management University (AlmaU).

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