
The demand for rechargeable batteries will be growing

- Almaty Region
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"Kaynar-AKB" provides 90% of Kazakhstan with domestic rechargeable batteries

The only domestic battery factory "Kaynar-AKB" summed up the results of its activities. At a briefing at the Chamber of entrepreneurs, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Kuanysh Azhmaganbetov noted that this year has become a very fruitful and successful the company.

"This year we have established supply to China. I want to say that the Chinese market is very difficult to get to. But we did it, and will continue to increase the volume of production. In addition, an agreement was signed with Poland for sale. Now we will be represented in the European market. And next year we intend to open a representative office in Germany ", - said K. Azhmaganbetov. Also, according to him, the company provides 90% of Kazakhstan's with domestic rechargeable batteries, and the demand for products will increase.

"Even today, you will notice that on the roads of Taldykorgan, there are more cars and, accordingly, there are traffic jams. A growing number of car buyers, and in the future no one want to refuse from driving a car", - remarked the chairman of the supervisory board Kuanish Azhmaganbetov

This year, "Kaynar-AKB" produced more than 1 million 700 thousand batteries. There was a rebranding of batteries “Kainar” and “Bars”. In addition, at a press briefing the head of the company noted that special attention is paid to wages and social position of workers. For example, an ordinary factory employee receives 150 thousand tenge, which is a relatively good income for Taldykorgan region. Also, a training center was established at the enterprise, where employees are trained and improved their skills.

Marketing Department Specialist Aidan Rataeva told that the company is actively supporting the development of ecology.

"We have implemented the program “Engitec Technologies”, within the frames of which was launched the project “eco-friendly clean city". At the plant was implemented a large-scale campaign on recycling", - added the speaker.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board Kuanish Azhmaganbetov said that the most important achievement of the year was the awarding of the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli", which is presented annually to the best exporters of the country.

"Of course, we did not expect that we will receive this national award. But it is very nice and a big honor. The title of "Uly Dala Eli" – is a recognition of the quality of products, the company as a whole. The brand will allow us to enhance the image and recognition of our Kazakhstan in the world", - he said.

Kaynarovtsy also spoke about the 25 achievements in 25 years of independence. Thus, the success can be called the development of new types of stationary industrial batteries for "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" and "Kazakhtelecom", not previously produced in Kazakhstan. Thus, the company will attract consumers in the field of telecommunication systems and rail transport throughout the country and the CIS countries.

The following year, "Kaynar-AKB" will continue to expand its branches in Kazakhstan and the world. Currently, 29 dealerships and 2 branches (Astana, Almaty) were opened in Kazakhstan. The company has 21 export partners, including countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Belarus and China.

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