
For support of local producers

- City of Shymkent
12409 просмотров

In SKR was presented a new project for support of domestic producers

The first step in its implementation was the conclusion of a tripartite agreement between the Chamber of entrepreneurs, general contractors, and domestic producers.

As demonstrated the analysis of procured commodity items, conducted by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region, today only 32 percent of local products are present in public procurements, which are carried out in the region. And it's not that something is not produced or of not good quality. Often there is a situation where both producers and customers are not aware of each other's existence. This causes the last to engage in the search for the goods outside the country, while the similar products are produced in our country. An example of this is a curious case: the two directors of Shymkent companies met, one - producing parts, and the other - the gear for these parts. So, the first company will continue to procure these gears abroad, not knowing that the same good is produced literally across the street from the office. They learned about each other by chance, at a meeting at the Chamber of entrepreneurs.

So, to support domestic producers with sales and to help general contractors with the selection of local products, at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region was signed a very important document today - a tripartite agreement between the construction companies (general contractors) and domestic manufacturers (DM). Underneath 26 South Kazakhstan companies have put their signature. The main purpose of this document is to increase the proportion of local content and the implementation of the import substitution program.

"Under the agreement, each party assumes certain obligations, namely, the general contractor is obliged to send the amount of demand for products to a single focal point - the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region, which process the information on the types and categories of goods, sends it to domestic producers to conclude a supply contract, which entails civil-law relations between DP and the general contractor", - explained the expert of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of SKR Talgat Egemberdiev.

The agreement is open, that is, any entrepreneur can join it, having the status of a producer or a general contractor.

At the meeting with the businessmen it was pointed out that today, in a sharp drop in demand for domestic and foreign markets, state procurement and procurement of quasi-public sector, the backbone of subsoil companies have become an important source of funds for the development of domestic business. Of course, NCE has done a great job to ensure access of Kazakh companies to tenders, including state holdings.

"One of the most important goals of the Chamber is to increase the use of Kazakhstani goods, works and services in all sectors of the economy. This goal has always been and will be the main priority of our activity, as evidenced by today's signing of the agreement", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region Askar Abubakirov.


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