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- City of Almaty
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In Almaty began trainings for business coaches of NCE RK "Atameken"

How to learn to manage their time, resources, schedule priorities? How to control the level of tension at the table, own emotional state and the one of an opponent, to fight and to defend own interests, while maintaining a relationship? How to respond to criticism? And where to find his followers? These and other interesting questions will find answers the students of the business training, among the ranks of which this time are not ordinary people from the street, but a strong coach of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

35 consultants from all regional chambers gathered in Almaty to discuss common issues, to exchange the practical experience, to suggest ideas for further improvement of the learning process at business schools of NCE and to learn the unknown.

Training of trainers is designed for 4 days. According to a survey, the team of business trainers formed the methodology of teaching, which identifies key areas: effective management, business communication, SMM-marketing, strategic management, negotiations. Business coaches learn to allocate their time properly, saving resources and preventing the potential overload and the resulting stress, because on this depends not only quality performance of professional duties, but also the quality of life in general. Moreover, students will learn the secrets of motivation, how to make yourself and others to work with pleasure, to control their emotions in the workplace, to listen to constructive criticism and to be able to say "no". Another day will be focused on the techniques that will help to achieve its objectives in the negotiations with the "predatory" opponents. Participants will be told about the 10 approaches of an effective negotiator, on the reasoning methods, work out of negotiating fights.

Another important training will be devoted to training SMM-promotion - it is an effective way to attract an audience to your website through social networks, blogs, forums, communities. The program course suggests detailed study of the strategy of promotion in social media (Facebook, VKontakte, Google+, Twitter, the blogosphere) and methods of their effective use. This course is designed for marketers, marketing department managers, HR managers, personnel department promotion, business owners, and all those wishing to become an expert in social media marketing. At the end of the course the specialists will be able to create or to revive their own communities in social media, to attract their target audience and to make them a tool of promotion and communication with entrepreneurs.

And finally, the highlight will be a multi-day communication training called "Verbal and non-verbal means of communication", prepared for colleagues from regions by Almaty business coaches. The well-known expert in the southern capital Lyudmila Lazareva will reveal the importance of non-verbal means of communication.

"Communication is very important in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of a reasonable, civilized behavior. Process of education, formation, personal development, interpersonal contacts, as well as the management, maintenance, research work are unimaginable without it and other activities where we need to transfer, to learn and to share information. Communication does not just accompany some kind of human activity, but performs an independent function, guiding through its product - a follow-up scheme - the rest of his life, delivering a theoretical tool for it. I think this course will be interesting and informative, even for experienced consultants", - shared Ludmila Lazareva.


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