
Sometimes entrepreneurs need strong legal assistance

- North-Kazakhstan Region
7503 просмотров

3.5 thousand appeals were received by the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the region in 2016

Business interests were protected in the amount of 403 million tenge. Deputy Director of RCE on Legal Affairs Zhenis Kaziev summed up the results of work for the year. According to him, the majority of complaints come from regional branches. Most often, North Kazakhstan entrepreneurs ask questions in the field of taxation, technical maintenance of cash registers with data transmission function, POS-terminals, as well as the payment of the annual license fee. In addition, the relevant questions are related to the subjects of natural monopolies.

“In May 2015, the law "On natural monopolies and regulated markets" was amended. The law obliges a monopolist to post quarterly information on its Internet website on connection to the grid, obtaining technical conditions, the available capacities, locations and network bandwidth. Today, SNM, this norm is not implemented that negates the positive effects of the adopted amendments", - said Zhenis Kaziev.

     Active work is underway on elimination of administrative barriers. 23 of them were detected in 2016, out of them 16 were resolved favorably. For example, the fee rates for advertising decreased 2 times; SNM are obliged to write invoices for entrepreneurs for payment with the previous and current readings; as for pre-school education, the state order contracts have been modified in favor of entrepreneurs. Another 11 barriers have been included to the national registry of problems.

    In the past year, according to the information of the Chamber, the regional prosecutor’s office ruled out more than 35 acts of prosecutorial response on the facts of the illegal actions of state bodies. In this regard, deputy director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs underlines the importance of efforts to improve the legal and financial literacy of entrepreneurs. "Small and medium businesses need to know their rights, to understand when and how legal requirements imposed on them by the inspection bodies. Moreover, the entrepreneur needs to know that he always has the opportunity to apply for protection to the Chamber of entrepreneurs, and to law enforcement agencies", - he concluded. 


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