
Agriculture experiences the most powerful staff shortage

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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Which sectors of the economy of the northern region are experiencing staff shortages, and what is being done to solve the problem, told employees of the department of human capital development

For two years, RCE of NKR conducts surveys among businesses to determine their needs in personnel. 223 companies participated in 2016 survey. It turned out that the biggest shortage of staff is observed in the sphere of agriculture. The shortage is 62%. The share of education to cover the personnel need in the region is only 11%. To change the situation, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of NKR together with local agencies and organizations implements the Roadmap of dual training. There were concluded 85 tripartite agreements between enterprises, colleges and the Chamber, covering about 2,500 students. "We together with the Akimat delegated patronage of 22 companies to 12 institutions of technical and vocational education. The system of cluster patronage is being implemented. Students of 2 and 3 courses pass  paid professional practice. At present, a list of companies is being formed on the basis of which the university will open an office of departments. The dual training contracts are being concluded  between the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of NKR, NKSU named after M. Kozybayev and these enterprises, which will allow the university to work closely with our customers, to take into account the requirements for the future experts in the course of training", - says head of department of development of human capital of RCE of NKR Vladimir Litvinenko.

  It is worth noting that entrepreneurs are willing to cooperate on this issue with the Chamber. This is indicated by the figures. Thus, due to the growth of applications of enterprises, the state educational order for training within technical and vocational education for this academic year, compared with the previous, increased by 15%. "6 training centers will be opened for the purpose of acquiring by personnel of companies and VET students of professional knowledge and skills: resource centers in the field of the building industry and the sphere of catering, centers of retraining and advanced training - for the engineering industry, farmers and motorists. In total, 3030 people received training, retraining and advanced training at the centers", - said Vladimir Litvinenko.

Vladimir Litvinenko says that vocational guidance work is in priority now. It is not easy to break stereotypes and to make technical education popular. 2 centers and 140 career guidance offices at schools are engaged in this work in the region. So that younger generation looked at the blue-collar occupations in another way, the experts of the Chamber conducted extensive work. During 2016 carried approximately 2000 career guidance activities, including 802 excursions, they reached almost 13,000 learners, lectures were read to more than 25,000 school students by business entities and representatives of VET schools and higher education seminars. Business schools continue their work. 430 students have been trained in 2016.


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