
Kumys – is a collective business, it also requires a scientific approach

- Zhambyl Region
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Association of kumys producers was established in the region

Manufacturers of traditional Kazakh beverage decided to team up, and with the assistance of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region created the Association of manufacturers of the national product kumys "Kazakh kymyzy".

The idea of ​​establishing the Association was born last year, when manufacturers of kumys, as well as all entrepreneurs and heads of farms, which were planning to develop this direction, gathered at the seminar, which was organized by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs under the Center of agricultural competence. Then, rural entrepreneurs have decided that for the active development and revival of kumys production, it is necessary to join forces. The head of the AIC department of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Ruslan Rakhymbaev passed the path from an idea to a registered association with the businessmen.

"This is a very promising and profitable direction for the villagers - he said. - Moreover, the association was set up not only to spread kumys production technology not only on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also the development of dairy horses and businesses associated with it".

Today in the ranks of the association there are five businessmen from Taraz city and districts of the region - LLP "Zan", farm "Bekbolat", farm Zhasulan, farm "Zhuasbek" and IE "Seitzhan". The entry of new participants was welcomed by the members. Elmira Ybynalieva, deputy director of LLP"Zan"  was elected as a president of the association.

Director of "Zan", a member of the Science and Technology Council of the Ministry of Agriculture of RK, professor of Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati Duysenbek Ybynaliev told about the plans of the association and the existing problems of the industry.

"Kumys should become a Kazakhstani brand, - he said. - For example, in Germany there is a traditional annual Beer Festival, known to all the tea traditions of England, and we are confident that Kazakhstan should widely celebrate the Day of kumys".

He also spoke about the therapeutic properties of this amazing product. In folk medicine kumys is used during exhaustion and vitamin deficiency. Kumys gives the body strength and vigor, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes metabolism. In ancient times it was called the "drink of heroes". It is useful both to healthy people and people, recovering from debilitating diseases.

"We need not only to popularize and to develop the supply of kumys in the domestic market, but also to go for export. Moreover, we have a patented technology of kumys production. According to GOST the kumys can be kept is kept for 72 hours, and we have been able to increase this period to 60 days! - Says Duysenbek Ybynaliev. - We must now examine the need for kumys among our potential customers, including health centers, dispensaries, hospitals and other institutions. It is no secret that companies producing kumys by artisanal method win the public order. And this happens at a time, when we have already established and fully automated production line for five kinds of kumys! "

According to him, today, one of the important tasks of the association is a scientific approach to the production of kumys.

"Together with scientists TarSU we have developed powdered kumys in tablets - one tablet at a dilution equivalent to half a liter of kumys. In order to establish mass production, we need the appropriate equipment, but that is our plan for the future", - he said.

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