
Legalization of "absenteeism" in kindergartens

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This very important change in the field of early childhood education both for business and parents will come into force soon

"It concerns the visit, or rather, not attending preschool kindergarten. And if before that time the administration of the kindergartens did not welcome such unplanned one-two days of absenteeism of children, but now the child can be absent from kindergarten 3 days per month without good reason (based on the statement of one of the parents or legal representative) ", - commented the Deputy Director of SME development Department of NCE RK "Atameken" Irina Tyugina.

According to her, this is related to the money, and more specifically, with a per capita funding in which the customer of the state educational order paid the cost of services for pre-school upbringing and education of children, in fact staying in preschool organization. "That is, if earlier adults decide to leave the child at home without a good reason, then the kindergarten was forced to return the money in the budget for this specific absence of a particular child. Nobody cared about objectivity and the possibility of such a return. Now, however, the return will be relevant only if a child was absent at an organization of pre-school education not more than 3 days per month", - he explained the representative of NCE.

Currently, a draft order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 29th of January  2016 # 122 "On Approval of Rules of placing the state educational order for training of specialists with technical and professional, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education based on labor market needs, in the preparatory departments of higher educational institutions, as well as pre-school education and training" being coordinated with the relevant authorities.

"This project provides for amendments regarding the attendance of pre-school education institutions, where at the per capita funding of public order is made for the actual stay of children in view of absence due to illness, treatment and recovery of a child at medical, health resorts and other organizations (in the provision of reference) , providing to one of the parents (or other legal representatives) the leave and rehabilitation of the child in the summer for up to 2 months (when writing the application), and 3 (on different days of the month) days per month (statement from a parent or legal representative) ", - said Irina Tyugina.


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