
To sell a product or to "sell" yourself, where to start?

- City of Almaty
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Experts told about modern sales methods

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty again gathered friends at the Club of marketers. Once a month, PR and marketers of large companies, individual entrepreneurs and those who only wish to join in the near future the exciting world of business, have a unique opportunity to meet with the strongest professionals in the field of promotion.

Today's training was devoted to the ability to sell not only goods, but also, first of all, yourself - the ability to make an impression, to present yourseld as a person, an expert and an impeccable professional. The speakers, whose name speaks for themselves, were invited for this purpose - Valentina Grigoryeva (independent management consultant, business coach to develop communication skills, leadership and management skills with 10 years experience in implementing projects in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Romania, Macedonia) and Victor Eliseev (Managing Director of the group of communications agencies Dentsu Aegis Network Kazakhstan, producer, writer, an expert on personal branding, co-chair of the Marketing Committee and the PR of the European Business Association of Kazakhstan (EUROBAK), author and producer of a series of rating projects on national television: "Superazheshki", "I am - a shopaholic". "Dom-Vesy", "Metro", "Mega karaoke", etc.)..

According to the recommendation of Valentina Grigorieva, sales begin with understanding. You need to understand who is your client, to study his psychological type and the mood at the time of purchase - all this will not only help to dispel doubts about the "difficult" customer, but also to transform him into a regular. The reasons for doubt there may be several. As a rule, it is the product itself, the price, the use (and whether it can be used in a year, or for kids), the seller (if he or she inspire trust). And for the rapid determination of the person there is a wonderful method - transactional analysis of Franklin Ernst.  According to it, all people can be divided into 4 types: self-depreciation ("child" type – they do not know what goods they need, at what price, they ask to help with the choice), hopeless despair (people for whom the world is presented in black - doubtful quality, inflated prices, and generally poor society and government), arrogant superiority (there is only me and the other exist around my axis, it does no matter how much it costs, do you know well the products ?, who is in charge here, call him!) harmonious personality (without hesitation chooses the goods, makes a purchase, he or she knows what he or she wants, he or she is solely responsible for the choice). Each client can roam from quadrant to quadrant, depending on his mood, the period in the life, etc. Moreover, through communication you can bring anyone to the level of harmonious personality! To do this, as it turned out, it is enough to show support in a conversation, to listen, to sympathize and not to argue, and then smoothly promote the products - to tell about the product and its qualities and shortcomings, offer alternative choices and, finally, to print a check.


“It is important to be a professional. You need to know your product at 100%, to love and even to adore it as if you are a child! Using this method, you can be sure the goods on the shelves won’t dust! At the same time agree with the client not to agree, but in order to sell ", - advises Valentina Grigoryeva.

In addition to the above, the personal brand becomes more and more popular in sales. In its unrestrained desire to imitate authoritative, famous and successful people, a society without regard buys the same goods as "stars". The same jeans, same watch, or a car. Today, with the help of your own name, you can sell anything, says Victor Eliseev, whose communications group Dentsu Aegis Network Kazakhstan is recognized as "Industry Leader in 2016" at the annual National Business Rating of Kazakhstan. Victor himself began his career as a journalist and knows first hand how the name matters in social networks. Moreover, that the possibility of advertising in social networks in our time is absolutely endless.

"In order to build your personal brand you need examples (learn how people of your sphere - the chef, actor, stylist, athlete - achieved fame), the audience (who are your customers), money (costs and revenue), priorities (whom do you see yourself in a year, 5 years, etc.), training (improve your specialized knowledge, read a lot), leadership (be the first and the best in the industry). Today, in order for you to become recognizable, you do not need large investments. You can be talented, to put your videos on YouTube and to make a name. After all, after a certain number of views, the advertisers will come to. Each of us, Internet users are under study. Every click of your mouse is studied by hundreds of experts, who analyze market conditions. The Internet gives you the chance of quick success, so use it well! "- told the audience Victor Eliseev.

According to Eliseev, 86% of the population of Kazakhstan "surf" the Internet. The fastest growing segment of the audience – is the older generation (7 million people). 6, 2 million people use mobile access, 6.7 million people watch video online.


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